Perfect Ricotta!

I love Ricotta Cheese! It's so versatile and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. It is frequently used in Maltese dishes including Ravioli and baked ricotta pie.
Last year when I did a cheddar cheese course, we also learnt to make Ricotta. Although I probably will never make cheddar cheese again, the ricotta is a frequent product of my kitchen. Once you have had fresh, homemade ricotta, still warm mixed with a little cinnamon and honey, you will never buy ricotta again - I promise!

2 litres milk ( any kind, just not long life)
1/2 cup white vinegar

You will need a food thermometer and a clean open weave cloth or cheesecloth, and a strainer

Heat milk in a saucepan until it reaches 90 degrees centigrade. It will be streaming and just starting to bubble. - stir frequently as the milk heats to prevent it sticking to the bottom. Remove from the heat and add vinegar. Stir vigorously for 5 minutes - you will see the milk "curdle" straight away, and start to separate.
Allow to cool for at least 10 minutes - but can be left for up to an hour.
Blanch your open weave cloth in boiling water, and line your sieve with the cloth.

Pour the contents of the saucepan into the sieve. The liquid, or whey, is excellent food for citrus or tomato plants. The solids - curd, is your ricotta and is ready to eat!.

As there are no preservatives, this ricotta will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days


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