Chilli Jam

With a bumper crop of chilli this year, I thought I would try my hand at a new delicacy- Chilli Jam.
My 1st batch has not been a success.
I turned away to sneeze at exactly the wrong time in the jam setting stage, and after washing my hands, my jam was quite dark. It still tasted OK. I bottled (see jam jars post earlier) and gave the jars away to trusty "tasters" for unbiased testing.
The results are back :
- delicious with cheese and crackers
- need to eat the whole jar on opening - it goes rock solid after 2 days (1 was stored in the fridge, the other in a cupboard)
I haven't given up yet, and with plenty more chilli to pick I will try batch 2 this weekend with the same recipe to have a comparison.