Exciting news!

This year I decided to enter my Raspberry Jam in the "Berry Jam" section of the Country Women's Association of Victoria's State Exhibition.

On Thursday I nervously placed my jar on the judging table and handed in my blue slip to confirm my entry was in. Judging took place on Thursday afternoon and the awards were made public at a ceremony on Friday. Unfortunately I was working Friday.

Saturday morning I headed down to Longwarry, in East Gippsland, and wandered along all the tables and displays, marvelling at the exquisite handicrafts. I also excitedly noted many of my friends were prize winners. I was avoiding the Jam section.

A good friend, Rosalyn, came over and said, "I've been watching you. You need to come over here and see your results!" so holding my hand she led me to the Berry Jam section...

2nd place!!!!!

I am still grinning!


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