Hot Cross Buns

With Easter almost here, I was determined to conquer Hot Cross Buns Gluten Free.

My mum always would rise early on Good Friday Morning, and make buns. Neighbours would come in and share a wonderful feast of piping hot buns from the oven, coffee and great conversation.

This was a tradition that I continued for many years until my diagnosis of Coeliac's disease. I love my friends and family, but I am not getting up at 5am to make the buns when I can't eat them! I have tried a number of different recipes , but with mixed results.

Thank you so much to the fine folk at SpringHill farm, for this recipe from their recent newsletter.

As you can see, they worked, and even Myles thought they were pretty good.
Like all things GF, they are definitely best on the day of cooking, and even when stored in airtight container, they don't keep well and are bound for the toaster only.


Unknown said…
when do i get to taste them? i cannot find PROPER buns in adelaide this year, so will be missing out. mum

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