Crema Catalana - Episode 5

Myles and I first cooked this recipe on our day @Barcelonacooking, which was a fantastic introduction to Spanish ingredients and cooking. It has already become a favourite, and is simple to prepare - Myles has even made it!
here is the full recipe for you to try at home:
Crema Catalana
Serves 6
• 3 egg yolks
• 500 ml milk
• 80 g sugar
• 20 g corn flour
• 1 vanilla pod (slice to remove seeds)
• Zest of one lemon
(* Options: cinnamon stick, ground nutmeg)
Whisk egg yolks, sugar, and corn flour in a large bowl until thick and creamy.
In a large pot, add milk, vanilla pod, vanilla seeds and lemon zest (*), then bring to a simmer on low heat.
Strain milk into egg mixture, and whisk together.
Return custard to the pot, and on gentle heat return to boil, stirring constantly.
At the first sign of bubbles, test custard consistency. The custard is ready when you can draw a clean line through it on the back of a spoon, using your finger.
If it passes the test remove from heat, and carefully ladle into ramekins.
Allow to cool, then refrigerate.
Before serving sprinkle sugar onto each ramekin, then caramelise with a kitchen butane torch. Serve immediately.